Ēpiónē PP Testimonials'  

“I don't know why I didn't access therapy sooner. My therapist was fantastic, and has been able to give me the help I needed”

JC, experiencing OCD

“This has been an incredibly helpful 
journey. I feel so much more equipped 
with the tools I now have. I'm a lot more 
aware of my triggers and bottom line. I 
can spot more easily when this is 
happening and I've realised the 
value/requirement in me taking time 
alone. I value self-compassion and 
assertiveness and have a much better 
understanding of it. Thanks, for all 
the help!”

LM, experiencing CPTSD

“The therapist asked insightful 
questions that helped me get to the 
nub of the issues I was experiencing 
and coached me to apply helpful 
techniques to improve my perspective 
and approaches. They was a great 
listener and made me feel it was ok to 
make time for myself in this way. I have 
definitely completed the therapy with a 
brighter and more hopeful outlook for 
the future”

KS, experiencing Anxiety

“I have had a really positive experience of the service. I was seen to very quickly 
and I felt comfortable talking to my therapist. I learnt about my condition and 
different cognitive behaviour therapy techniques, which I will continue to use
going forward. I would recommend this service, I've been really impressed. 
Thank you.”

JD, experiencing PTSD

Friends, Family
and Supporters

“I always knew there was a problem, but felt 
helpless to support or know what to do... 

I contacted Ēpiónē Psychotherapy Partners, 
and asked for help. They were so encouraging 
and supportive, they completed an assessment 
with me, and we defined how I wanted to 
help and what support I was able to offer. 

With this framework of what I could do 
and how, we were able to create a 
strategy of support, in a couple 
of sessions. 

I used this to then encourage my best 
friend into therapy, as I was no longer 
colluding with her, she realised she needed 
help, and as I felt confident knowing what to 
say to ensure I was being supportive. I was 
also able to share what I had been 
learning it made it easier for her to 
come forward, we even had a joint 
session of introduction, to make this 
supportive for her, it was so helpful and 
enabling for us both! 

I would highly recommend this service, 
it has made such a difference to 
our lives!”

JT, Best Friend

“I thought I was coping okay, and it was 
simply a matter of helping my partner 
to attend sessions, and 
offer encouragement. 

It was only through having my own 
assessment and support that I realised 
I had been enabling my partner. 

When they sought reassurance I was 
the first to offer it, but this was enabling 
their mental health to remain poor, and 
what I needed to do was encourage 
them to face their fears and empower 
them to realise they could do 
it instead.  

Once I did this they started to apply 
therapy and improvements came 
quickly afterwards”

EH, Co-habiting Partner

“We was really struggling with knowing 
what to do for the best and how we 
could support...

Having the help we needed, and 
encouragement to take 
a step back, and the tools 
to help ourselves and our daughter 
to enable us to give our best 
and help her to get the best out 
of therapy was priceless”

AL & GL, Parents 

“I laughed when my spouse suggested I might want to access 
support for myself and that it would help them in therapy. 

I mean I believed I didn't need support, after all I wasn't the one 
with a problem. To humour my spouse, and to show support I 
agreed to attend an assessment. 

I felt so relieved after the appointment, I really didn't realise 
how stressed I had been and how much an impact their 
mental health was having on me and our relationship. 
The therapist was understanding and supportive. 

Through the initial appointment I was able to see that I could 
ask my employer for carers leave to help them attend their 
appointments, this meant I could be move available for them 
practically and emotionally. 

I was able to understand that it was okay to admit that it was 
hurting our relationship and me to, and by being honest it offered 
them more motivation to engage with their therapy. 

I was then able to access the support I needed too, I was able 
to be clear about what I could and couldn't help with, which 
meant we were able to access other support too, this too 
was a relief, and helped me to feel more empowered. 

It was great being able to talk to others in a similar situation 
too, as I had been feeling so ashamed, alone, and powerless, 
it was great to speak to others who understood, with little 
explanation needed. 

I might have gone into the appointment reluctantly but afterwards 
I was so grateful. My mood has improved and I feel confident in 
how I help now, our relationship is stronger for this support too. 

I would encourage others to give it a go, you never know it might 
benefit you too!!”

BT, Civil Partner

/ Mentoring

“I was looking for a supervisor that 
would support and challenge me, 
with compassion, as I was burnout 
and struggling. 

I needed a supervisor who would be able to 
empathise with the challenges I faced, but 
also was willing to be firm and encouraging 
too especially around my own wellbeing. 
As a perfectionist and a people pleaser I 
knew I needed help! 

My supervisor, right from the off was to the 
point but with kindness and with the shared 
goal of enabling me to see the reality of 
my situation - rather than the entirely 
critical one I was internally creating. 

We quickly built a trusting rapport that 
initially was focused on improving my 
mental health, including encouragement 
for me to access my own therapist, and a 
plan in place to do this, with regularly 
support/check ins to see if adjustments 
were needed. Within a couple of 
weeks I was seeing improvements. 

I was so grateful to have someone who was 
flexible willing to work in partnership with 
me and held patience, it's made the world 
of difference to my Mental Health and how I 
engage those I am delivering therapy too! 

I have recommended to 
other Psychotherapists and will 
continue too - thank you so much 
Ēpiónē PP!!” 

TL, Accredited Psychotherapist

“Having had many supervisors before I 
was looking for a process that would be 
dynamic, engaging and able to soothe 
me when self- doubt creeps in. 

This is exactly what I found with 
Ēpiónē PP, I was encouraged to hold 
kindness for myself, whilst looking 
inwards at my motives, beliefs and 
self-appraisals and consider how this 
influenced my engagement with those 
I was working with. 

I was able to self-reflect in a way I 
hadn't before, and as the feedback, 
from those I was seeing, my supervisor, 
and peers, I received also allowed me 
to see myself as I am rather than how 
I see myself, it has been really 
challenging at times, but as I was 
soothed, and it was delivered with 
kindness with the goal being to learn 
from my mistakes, this has really 
enabled me to grow into a stronger, 
resilient, flexible, and engaged therapist.”

JB, Accredited CBT Therapist

“Having tried different types of supervision before I was looking for something different and 
The Newcastle Model sounded intriguing.

Having been using the Newcastle Model in supervision for several months now, I wouldn't 
go back, it was complicated to get my head around at first but it has made such a difference 
to how I engage with supervision, it's more active, and dynamic. 

My supervisor's advocation for it was  well placed, and their enthusiasm really helped me, 
when I was reticent and unsure. Having supervision with Ēpiónē PP, has allowed me to learn 
how to discern my clinical needs from personal, allowed me to explore where I have biases, 
weakness and understanding these, whilst acknowledging my strengths and exploiting 
these too. 

My supervisor has been proactive, responsible , reliable and capable, whilst working with me, 
which has also energised me to engage in a similar way. I have felt supported, enabled and 
held with kindness, which has been paramount to supervision for me.

If your looking for a new way of doing supervision and haven't tried the Newcastle Model or 
are looking for a supervisor that is flexible, adaptable and kind then I recommend Ēpiónē PP!.”

KB, Accredited Psychotherapist

“As a EMDR Practitioner working in Private 
Practice, we have a great networking 
community that is so supportive.  However, 
as a Private Practitioner it can still be lonely 
and isolating at times. 

Having supervision with a supervisor that 
encourages meeting up online to say hello, 
during breaks, and knowing I can check 
in (for wellbeing or when I have something 
I'm not sure about) was so helpful for me 
- though I have to admit I don't use it 
much, simply knowing the option is 
there helps. 

The flexibility offered and a can do attitude 
from my supervisor was refreshing, we don't 
work in the same field and I was concerned 
this would have a negative impact, I was 
pleasantly surprised to find this wasn't 
the case. As we focus on the process, it 
enables us both to learn new things 
together, enabling true partnership, 
which I love! 

 I would highly recommend Ēpiónē PP.”

HB, EMDR Practitioner


“Our employee came to us asking for help, 
and after a conversations with HR / 
Occupational Health, felt that their options 
were unsuitable.

They explained that they were in therapy, 
but were struggling to transfer what they 
were learning into the work place and asked 
for more support with this.  

When we asked what support they 
were needing, they explained that 
explicit communication, and having 
this role played in meetings, and 
practiced with them, would help to 
build their confidence. 

Being able to turn off their camera 
during on-line meetings, and being 
trusted to be present, would enable 
them to be more engaged; being 
encouraged to use the skills from 
therapy by someone in the workplace 
who understood these and could 
model them would be extremely 
helpful. After a few conversations with 
the leadership team, we realised these 
were requests that we felt 
uncomfortable with. We went 
back to the employee to explain that 
these were outside of our
responsibilities, the employee persisted 
even offering a conversation with their 
therapist who they were confident could 
help. With curiosity we agreed. 

The conversation was interesting and 
the therapist was able to quickly 
enable reflection to see how the 
requests could be applied, and were 
a legal requirement under the 
Equalities Act, 2010 for reasonable 
adjustments in the work place, and 
offered a trial to see what would 
happen, if they offered support, which 
we accepted. It was a thoughtful 
and considered trial, and really 
enabled us to think about how we 
interact, the importance of this, and 
how small adaptations make a 
significant difference. 

The employee was grateful, buying us 
loyalty, and we gained much from the 
experience, we would definitely work 
with Ēpiónē Psychotherapy Partners 
again in the future!”

SA, HR Manager

“We had been experiencing problems 
with long term sickness (18-months),
and were struggling with what to do 
next. Being honest, we were considering 
disciplinary, with the intension that the 
person would be sacked - they simply 
were not capable of doing their job! 
The therapist, with consent, 
contacted me. 

They explained that the current 
reasonable adjustments that were 
in place, were sufficient for someone 
with a mild to moderate mental health 
problem but not for someone with 
Complex PTSD. The therapist agreed to 
provide a Therapy Business Report, to 
explain the mental health condition, 
how my employee was experiencing it, 
and why the company's policies and 
procedures were falling short, alongside recommendation that could, with consent, 
be shared with the HR Team / 
Occupational Health, for them 
to implement. 

I sceptically accepted, after all we were 
complying with our internal policies 
and procedures. On receipt of 
the report it was easy to see how 
we were breaching our own policies - 
the WRAP plans we use, weren't being 
used properly, and the 
recommendations were so 
simple and straight forward, so 
much so that we had oversighted most 
of them, but could quickly implement. 

The employee has come on in leaps 
and bounds they have since had two 
promotions and are an active 
advocate for Mental Health. They 
have now been in work with minimum 
sick leave for the last 12 months, and 
they are thriving, it's such a pleasure to 
see and know that it has helped them, 
and me to get the best out of them!

I will definitely be working with Ēpiónē 
Psychotherapy Partners again in 
the future.”

DT, Manager

“Understanding more about how to 
support people with more complex 
mental health problems other than 
mild to moderate anxiety/depression, 
was eye opening for me. 

I assumed that as we had policies in 
place for wellbeing we were being 
a good employer and didn't realise 
how discriminatory the policies / 
procedures were. 

With support, we were able to widen the 
support out, this helped us to be able to 
address those who had been on long term 
sick, and had accessed EPA support to little 
if any effect. We were able to think more 
strategically about the varying types of 
support that might be needed in the work 
place e.g., beyond Mental Health First Aiders, 
and mental health days. 

I'm proud of the changes we have 
made and the impact that this has had 
on the wellbeing strategy we are able 
to apply. 

Most of all it was the simple changes 
that made the biggest difference, and 
ensuring we all hold ourselves and 
each other compassionately 
accountable for our mental health. 

Thank you for working with us to achieve 
this Ēpiónē PP.”

SW, Managing Director

“We were reviewing our policies and procedures, and someone in the leadership 
team courageously, pipped up that we needed to extend and be more creative 
with several of our policies. They explained that after several months of therapy, 
they had realised how the policies and procedures weren't designed for their 
experiences, and how this had negatively impacted them. This came as a shock 
to most in the team, who weren't aware that they a) had a mental health problem, 
b) had accessed therapy for it, and c) that we were falling short, of our employees, 
as a company. 

They suggested liaising with the HR / Occupational Health Team, and bringing in 
someone from Ēpiónē PP, to help with reviewing these together, might help.  Their 
suggestion led to several policies being overhauled, for the better. It facilitated 
conversations, around more in depth conversations, about what mental health 
problems are beyond mild to moderate issues, and how this impacts our specific 
work place, in a platitude of different ways. 

We brought in leadership training, from Ēpiónē PP, that was able to target specific 
areas where we identified improvements could be made, and there has been a 
positive marked improvement in how we as a company are now engaging with 
mental health and seeking to reduce stigma around this. We have seen a healthier 
work culture emerging on the back of this project too, leading to increased 
employee retention, an increased sense of employee purpose, compassion, 
and a general more positive mindset over all. We would highly recommend 
Ēpiónē Psychotherapy Partners.”


Contact us

If this is what you are looking for, we welcome you to get in touch with Ēpiónē PP.  

We are ready, and waiting to hear from you! 



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