Ēpiónē PP's, 
Who We Help...

Conditions We Work With

We specialise in CPTSD and PTSD, but understand 
that this often bring symptoms of the below 
conditions, and therefore we work with these too: 

  • Dissociation
  • Eating Disorders (BMI over 18)
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • OCD 
  • Hoarding
  • Social Anxiety
  • Health Anxiety
  • Generalised Anxiety
  • Specific Phobias
  • Panic
  • Depression
  • Perfectionism 
  • Procrastination 
  • Burnout
  • Low Self-Esteem 

Descriptions of conditions

Jane Trap 

I experience re-living of the traumatic events through unwanted and highly distressing recurring memories, flashbacks or vivid nightmares. 

I have intense emotional or physical reactions when 
reminded of the events including sweating, heart 
palpitations, anxiety or panic. 

I have been deeply wounded by those who were 
closest to me.... my caregiver(s)/partner, and this 
has meant that I haven't learned about my emotions 
and how to cope with these, or how to communicate 
to help me connect with others. 

In trying to maintain my connection with my care givers/partner or others, I have lost the connection 
with myself. I learned in early childhood that being 
myself threatens my relationship with others and 
believe at a gut level that being me, would lead to 
others rejecting/abandoning me, so I have learned 
to suppress my emotions, detach from my body 
to survive.  

I use addictions to help me cope emotionally e.g., 
drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping etc, with 
the suffering and chronic pain. 

If these descriptions, sound familiar, 
we can help you... contact us!

Achaikos Gather 

I keep/collect items that may have little or no monetary value, such as junk mail and carrier bags, or items I always intend to reuse or repair

  • I find it hard to categorise or organise items
  • I have difficulty making decisions
  • I struggle to manage everyday tasks, such as cooking, cleaning and paying bills
  • I become extremely attached to items, refusing to let anyone touch or borrow them
  • I have poor relationships with family or friends

My hoarding started when I was about 12 years old, and has become more noticeable with age. 

My hoarding has become really problematic as I am much older, as I find it harder to get out of the house and the items I have collected prevent me from leaving. It has also become a safety issue as there are piles of this which could topple and fall on me and environment health have become involved.  

Xiao Compelled 

I am aware that my obsessions 
and compulsions are irrational 
and excessive, but I am out of 
control and unable to resist them. 

My OCD takes over my life and 
my time, impacting on my work/education, family, hobbies 
and relationships negatively. 

I spend hours checking things, caught 
in my thoughts, counting, washing, doubting myself, others, 
or things I might have or have 
not done, I fear harming others 
or myself almost constantly, 
and/or collect things that I 
don't need or want. 

In addition when I am hoarding 
I have so many things that I cannot manage the clutter where I live, and find it difficult or impossible to throw things away. 

I hoard because you feel a strong need to keep things. It's my connection to disposing of these things that causes me great distress.

Robyn Morte 
(Health Anxiety)

Ahmed Humiliation 
(Social Anxiety)

I have an intense and ongoing 
fear of being judged, humiliated, 
and observed by others.

I will overthink, going to places 
or events, everything from the conversations that might happen, 
and try to create a script for this, 
to what I will wear and how I will 
interact with others. 

I always worry about doing 
something I think is embarrassing, 
such as blushing, sweating 
or appearing incompetent.

After the situation I will dissect 
everything that happened from 
what I said, and did to how others responded to me and what this 
all means.  

I regularly worry about my health including frequently checking my 
body for signs of illness, such as 
lumps, tingling or pain. 

I am always asking people for reassurance that you're not ill e.g., friends, family, GP and even when 
this is provided, it only lasts a short 
time, before I start to disbelieve 
them and start checking again.

Nushi Phobiona 
(Specific Phobia)

Ahmed Worry 

I constantly worry about everything! 

I worry about not worrying, family, friends, children, work, finances, 
the future, the past... if it can be 
worried about I will worry about it... 

I worry because it helps me to 
show I care, it helps me to cope 
with things, stops bad things from happening, it helps me to problem 
solve, motivates me, helps me to understand things and prepares me 
for bad things that might happen. 

However the consequents are that I 
fear I might go crazy with worry, I will have a nervous breakdown, It's going 
to make me sick and others around 
me are getting annoyed with me.

I have Irritable Bowl Syndrome, from 
the stress, as a consequence, which is painful and inconvenient. 

I have an intense, irrational fear 
of something that poses little or 
no actual danger to me, in my 
case this is heights.

I realise that this fear is completely irrational, but even thinking about 
facing anything to do with heights 
brings on severe anxiety symptoms 
for me e.g., I start shaking, sweating, 
and my heart beats so hard I feel like 
it will beat out of my chest!



Chiamaka Gloomy (Depression)

Raphaël Panicotto 

I get frequent and unexpected 
panic attacks, some times several
times a day. 

I experience attacks like a sudden 
wave of fear or discomfort or a 
sense of losing control even when 
there is no clear danger or trigger.

I experience a pounding or racing 
heart, feeling faint, dizzy or 
light-headed, feel very hot or very 
cold, Sweating, trembling or shaking, having nausea (feeling sick), get a 
pain in my chest or abdomen, 
I can struggle to breathe or feel 
like I'm choking, my legs can 
become shaky or turn to jelly, and 
I can become disconnected from 
my mind, body or surroundings. 

Alongside this I fear of losing 
control, I can feel like I'm going to faint/pass out, have a heart attack 
or the worst is when I believe I'm
going to die.

When I am depressed I easily feel 
down, upset and/or tearful, I 
become restless, agitated, or irritable. 
I feel worthless, guilty, and self critical. Whilst feeling empty and numb. I become isolated, and unable to relate 
to other people, often feeling like a burden to others. I find it hard to find 
any pleasure in life or the things I 
usually enjoy, and become angry/frustrated over the smallest 
of things. 

My confidence disappears, leaving me feeling hopeless and despairing, and I feel tired all the time. 

When I feel like this I will avoid social events and my hobbies. sometimes I 
cut myself or hurt myself and have frequent thoughts about wanting to 
end my own life, occasionally I will consider what this might look 
like too. 

When in this space I find it difficult to 
talk to people, find thinking clearly 
almost impossible and struggle to 
make decisions. Any interest in sex disappears. I find it hard to concentrate and focus, and can forget even the simplest of things. 

I then in use substances, or gambling, excessive shopping etc, as a pick me up. My appetite disappears, I struggle to sleep or sleep to much, and I start to experience aches and pains without any obvious cause. 

Jun Delayed

Elijah Perfectini (Perfectionism)

I push myself really hard to meet unattainable/unrelenting goals, 
which makes me feel like a failure 
as a person. I fear that I might not 
reach my goals, but when I do I 
realise I made them to easy so I 
raise them much higher. 

I criticise myself frequently on my 
ability to reach my goals, but more 
the high standards I expect of myself. 

I repeatedly check how well 
I am doing by negatively comparing 
my performance to others. 

The pursuit of my high standards 
is at the cost of missing out on 
other things e.g., time with 
family, hobbies...  

At times I avoid any tests of my performance to reach my standards, 
in case I fail to meet them, and If I feel 
I am failing at something I will simple avoid doing the task/hobby 
in future. 

This applies these to all, or almost all, areas of my life.

I regularly have a hard time 
meeting deadlines. I put things off 
in multiple areas of life — not just 
at work, for example, but also at 
home and with friends.

I will find myself procrastinating on 
a weekly, if not daily, basis, and get distracted easily.

Sadly, my friends and family have told 
me that this affects them too, as I will 
put of making arrangements to go out, holidays and ultimately it then impacts my relationships with them. 

I know that I procrastinate but I find it hard to admit this, to myself and others, 
I don’t exactly lie about it, but I have plenty of reasons for putting things off.

I catch yourself filling my time with 
minor or less important tasks, I feel stressed about everything I have to do and this in turn stops me sleeping and tending to my health. 
Even when I face criticism and being pulled up for it at work and home, I 
still can’t seem to stop putting 
things off! 

Freja Worthless

Xavier Exhausted

I feel exhausted and drained in 
every way, constantly. Whilst being disinterested and detached from 
my work, which is the opposite of 
who I am. 

I struggle with the monotonous 
demands of my job. Any interest 
I had in people and
hobbies/activities has disappeared. 

I have become increasingly cynical, critical, and pessimistic in my attitude towards work. Leading 
to me being less productive, enthusiastic, and effective at work. 

I am constantly self critical of myself 
and have a acute fear of failure.  
I believe the future is bleak and 
lack boundaries with others. 

I'm finding it harder to concentrate, remember things, and pay attention whilst inside and outside of work. 


This has impacted on my mood, 
sleep and health e.g., headaches 
and stomach pains are 
frequent companions. 

I lack any confidence in myself, and 
make negative social comparisons to others frequently. 

I struggle asking for help, and am 
riddled with worry and doubt. 

I have difficulty accepting compliments, as I feel that there is an agenda or I am simply not worthy of the compliment. 

I am constantly self critical of myself 
and have a acute fear of failure.  
I believe the future is bleak and lack boundaries with others. 

I people-please as I don't know 
any different or fear being abandoned/rejected if I don't. 

I worry a lot about a specific area of my body (e.g., nose and chin) and spend a 
lot of time comparing my looks, negatively, with other people's. 

I look at myself in mirrors a lot (multiple times a day and carry a mirror with me) or avoid mirrors altogether 

I go to a lot of effort to conceal flaws e.g., by spending a long time combing your hair (several hours a day in total), applying make-up until it's just right or choosing clothes (I spend hours analysing each item)

I can pick at my skin to make it "smooth"

This has a seriously affect my daily life, including at work, social life and relationships. This leaves me feeling vain and self-conscious.

Jouri Speculum
(Body Dysmorphia)

I try to limit the food I eat to 
affect my shape/weight, or I will 
eat excessively as a way of 
numbing my emotions. 

This means I often, deliberately, 
go for long periods of time 

(8 hours or more without food). 

I have a complex set of rules 
about what I can and can't eat, 
with many of my favourite foods 
banned, or eaten to excess during 
a binge.

I feel a sense of achievement 
when I have had an empty tummy, as 
this means my hard work is paying off. 
All to often though I feel fat! 

With a fear of weight gain, or 
losing control of what I am 
eating, constantly present. 

Thinking about this constantly 
makes if a nightmare to concentrate on anything else like following a conversation with friends, doing any of my hobbies or focusing on the things I need to do. 

Ayesha Consumed 
(Eating Disorder)

I can disconnect from my thoughts, feelings, memories and/or sense of my own identity. 

I experience..

Dissociative amnesia (I have gaps in my memory, where I can't remember events, I can't remember some or parts of my life story, and find things I don't remember buying) 

Depersonalisation (I feel as though I am watching myself in a film or looking at myself from the outside, am observing, rather than feeling 
my emotions, am disconnected to my body and/or emotions, and 
I can lose time, or forget how I 
got to places, and/or forget important things about myself) 

(I feel detached from the world around me, see the world as foggy, feel as though I see the world through a pane of glass, or like I am living in a dream.  

Jack Detached 

Aarav Sleepless 

I experience re-living the traumatic 
event through unwanted and recurring memories, flashbacks or vivid nightmares (making it hard to get a good nights sleep). 

I have intense emotional or physical reactions when reminded of the event(s) including sweating, heart palpitations, anxiety or panic.

Contact us

We welcome you, to get in touch with Ēpiónē PP.  

We are ready, and waiting to hear from you! 



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